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Personal Development

Öffentlich·94 Mitglieder

Hey, my name is Harry, and I'm working on courage. I hope to achieve this by being able to ask people, mainly in shops, 'how's your day going?' it's great to be part of this group, thanks.


Aleksej Torschin
Aleksej Torschin
29 Ś‘ŚŚ•Ś’Śł 2023

Great idea. You can also ask strangers on the street " Can you tell me what time we have?" I have done it and it is a good way to start to develop courage. What helped me is to keep the body in motion. If you feel excitement, just walk faster than you can think. Don't slow down and just do it. This transforms the energy into action. Also an affirmation can help. Something like " I'm courageous." Just say it before you do it. That gives you a pump.



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