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Spirituality ✨

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Random thought of the day: "tsunamis are a yang expression of water"...

Which is interesting because water is usually thought of as a yin element...

A popular blueprint for a human's life timeline is 'be as successful as possible despite any negative effects to health, happiness, relationships, etc. so that my children will be born into a better survival situation than I was.'

But no matter how good a person's life situation is the highest pleasure will always be basking in the greatness, power, and love of God.

Both a poor monk and a rich king can dedicate their lives to God, but the king will be more distracted, more busy, and therefore less successful in learning esoteric wisdom which requires long constant meditation and unlocking higher states of consciousness.

I promised myself years ago that I would experience what it's like to live fully devoted to learning spiritual wisdom. Not from books etc. but through constant, unbroken meditation. In Taoist tradition, this is what old men would often do- go off into the woods to…

A key insight from a session summary:

It’s worth noting that after we turn our backs on God, we have to compensate for the loss of true peace and love that can only come from God- we build a structure of habits which gives us frequent spikes of energy throughout the day in order to simulate a happy disposition. But in between these very brief spikes of energy, the person is semi-depressed due to spiritual malnutrition.

How do you experience meditation? Oftentimes, I get practical ideas about how to approach a certain situation or ideas of new projects or new creative ideas or stuff that I need to do and forgot about..I often do some writing before and after meditation..

Today s meditation was about healing and removing the old.

Letting the new, new ground, God..whatever there is available for me here in now..

David Reynolds
David Reynolds
31 oct 2023

This happens to me too, and oftentimes I like to stay in this zone to harvest all the good ideas that arise in the mind during stillness.

But after that, I like to recognise the awareness that is aware of the mind, and then I like to watch the mind doing things. It is fascinating to observe the thoughts and feelings which are linked to the ego. The ego is the story in the mind about who we are. Who we truly are is the awareness that is observing it all. But sometimes we forget this, and suffer as a consequence.

Finally, I let the awareness become freeform- not aware of anything in particular, and this is a deep state of peace and completeness.

When I am aware of something in particular, there is an apparent separation between me and it. But when this stops, there is an apparent ‘collapse of separation’ as Ruper Spira puts it, which is essentially what it means to fall in love.

But fall in love with what? Nothing really, because when there is no separation there is no such thing as me and other things outside of me. So it is simply love, in its most natural state. Not being used, just being. Like a calm lake.

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